Nova TV d.d. Apps 1.3
Nova TV d.d.
[hr] Putem aplikacije pratite točne,objektivne,pravovremene i zanimljive vijesti iz Hrvatske i svijeta,a svojdoživljaj vijesti obogatite kvalitetnim video prilozima tebogatimfotogalerijama. aplikacija omogućuje vampregledsvakodnevnih političkih, gospodarskih vijesti ibrojnezanimljivosti te lagane showbizz teme. [en] Get the latestnewsfrom Croatia with android application. We provideyouwith correct, objective, prompt and interesting news enrichedwithquality video footage and impressive photography. Followeverydaypolitical and economic news and stay up to date with triviaandentertainment.
Nova Plus 4.0.2
Nova TV d.d.
Nova Plus app brings you unlimited and legal access to morethan5.000 hours of video content available on mobile devices. Youcanwatch your favorite video content anywhere and anytime. WithNovaPlus app you can: - watch more than 5.000 hours of videocontentwithout limits - watch series before TV broadcasting -enjoymovies, shows and cartoons - activate service without contractandwith no hidden costs - watch content within a singlemonthlysubscription - watch all video content without advertisement 1.2.3
Nova TV d.d.
With the application, faster and easier access toeveryday news.